Welcome to LCSC’s Personal Safety App

This application is like a personal blue-light phone, enabling you to make an SOS call directly to LCSC Campus Safety.

When you trigger an SOS, the app notifies campus safety of your exact location in addition to notifying your emergency contacts.

The app is a free service provided by LCSC to all students and members of the campus community.

Every SOS activation will notify LCSC Campus Safety and your contacts. Please respect the time of our campus safety personnel and refrain from activating the SOS button unless you are reporting a real emergency. Click here for support

More details

  • When in SOS mode, the application will continue to update LCSC Campus Safety center with your location.
  • Upon completion of the registration process, a text will be sent to you with a link to activate the application.
  • In the same text you will receive a link to add your emergency contacts. Please use this link to add the contacts whom you wish to receive a text and/or email in case of emergency.